North Yorkshire Council


Shareholder Committee


Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 1st October 2024 commencing at 10.00 am.


Councillor Carl Les in the Chair and Councillor Gareth Dadd.


In attendance: Councillor George Jabbour.


Officers present: Richard Flinton, Gary Fielding, Barry Khan, Kerry Metcalfe and Elizabeth Jackson




Copies of all documents considered are in the Minute Book





Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence had been received from Councillor Mark Crane.






Minutes of the meeting held on 16 July 2024




That the Minutes of the meeting held on 16 July 2024, having been printed and circulated, be confirmed as read and signed by the Chairman as a correct record.






Declarations of Interest


Councillor Gareth Dadd declared a non-pecuniary interest in Minute 52 on the basis that he was a director of Veritau.






Public Participation


There were no questions or statements from the public.






Brierley Group Quarter 1 2024/25 Performance Report


The report of the Assistant Director Commercial, Property and Procurement, providing a Quarter 1 financial and performance update for 2024/25 for the companies that make up the Brierley Group.


Kerry Metcalfe, Assistant Director Commercial, Property and Procurement, introduced the report, providing an overview of performance and highlighting the Quarter 1 achievements and challenges for the individual companies.  She reported that the year was going well and drew members’ attention specifically to the forecast pre-tax profit of £3.287m and a total shareholder value of £11.535m. 


Following recent discussions it was confirmed that annual governance checks for directors would take place and appropriate questions would be asked at interview to strengthen recruitment processes.


The Chief Executive reported that following reorganisation there had been an ongoing review of council owned companies.  The Assistant Director confirmed that work is ongoing to review commercial activity within the Council, which will allow governance and reporting arrangements to be further considered and reviewed. 


The Leader noted the turnaround for North Yorkshire Education Services (NYES) which was currently showing a forecast net profit of £0.41m.


Members noted the report and thanked officers for the update.






Work Programme


Members considered and endorsed the work programme for the Committee for the remainder of 2024/25.






Date of Next Meeting - 17 December 2024





The meeting concluded at 10.14 am.




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